Dandi March (Salt Satyagraha)

On 12th March 1930 Gandhi started the historic march from the Sabarmati Ashram with his followers. After 24 days long march he symbolically broke the Salt law at Dandi on 5th April 1930.The breaking of the Salt law formally started the Civil Disobedience movement. Soon the defiance of Salt law started all over the country. In Tamil Nadu C Rajagopalachari led a Salt March from Trichinopoly to Vedaranniyam on the Tanjore coast.

In Malabar K Kelappan walked from Calicut to Payyanur to break the Salt Law. In United Province and Gujarat no tax campaign was launched. The Bengal revolutionaries led a seize to the Chittagong armory. The Working Committee in May 1930 decided non payment of land revenue in ryotwari areas and non payment of Chaukidari tax in zamindari region and forest satyagraha.